Looking oh so cute to visit the pediatrician! |
Stella was only a few days beyond her two month birthday, but she was FINALLY fitting into 0-3 clothes! It was amazing to me that this little girl was still so little. But, the pediatrician appointment made us feel better about our little peanut.
The day after Stella's big trip to the doctor, Steve and I celebrated our six-year anniversary. With the help of Stella's nonna and grandpa, we were able to have a few hours to ourselves. We had reservations at Harrah's Steakhouse, and we had an incredible time! I will admit, a lot of the conversation did revolve around our little miss, but it really was a picture perfect celebration of our years thus far as husband and wife.
Meeting Grandma! |
The little giraffe's 1st trip to Cali! |
Lyn's trip was short, so we tried to pack as much in as we could. The main thing that we wanted to do was take her to Tahoe/Truckee. In addition to Lyn's first trip, it would also be Stella's, as we had not traveled outside of Reno with her yet. We started in Old Town Truckee to do a bit of shopping. Lyn and I found what we usually do- jewelry! We both left Truckee with some lovely pieces and great memories. Tahoe was more of a drive through than a stop, but it was a beautiful day with great company.
The day after brought the departure of both Lyn and Steve. Vacation time was over and it was time to head back to work. We weren't sure when Lyn would be able to return, so Stella gave her an extra big hug. We were so lucky that she was able to come out and meet Stella, so although short, her visit was very special. Steve would not be back for six weeks, which was the longest time he had spent away from Stella. So, Saturday was not the happiest of days for baby and Mommy.
In the midst of this, I also was heading back to work. After a little over two months of maternity leave, my students were headed back from break, and so was I. I was not looking forward to being away from Stella. I had always thought I could never be a stay-at-home mom, but I was quickly changing my mind! I loved all the time I had with Stella, especially now that she was developing her personality. I was also scared that I would miss more "firsts." I had a feeling that she would do more things that I wouldn't want to miss while I was at work. The idea of leaving my beautiful little girl to go watch other people's children was something I was not looking forward to. But, like it or not, I had to report to my classroom in the morning.
Grandpa and Stella getting acquainted |
The only thing that was making my return to work easier was the fact that I was extremely comfortable with Stella's childcare. So, who would be watching Stella while I was at work? Her grandparents! That's right, I am very lucky to have had this offer from my parents. My dad would be taking on the bulk of the work (as he's retired) but my mom would also be there many days. This meant that I had a real peace of mind when I headed back on Monday.
Monday went very well. There were only a few tears when I got in my car, and Stella is asleep when I leave for work, so she didn't even notice. Dad had been practicing a lot with Stella on his own, so we both felt confident about our first day trying this. But, Mom did take off work in case he needed back-up. Text messages and phone calls were exchanged so I could keep with on Stella, and my iPhone (did I mention I love that phone) filled with videos and pictures got me through the day. At the end of the day, there really is nothing like coming home to your baby. They are so happy to see you, give huge smiles, and I always end up home at nap time, so I get a big "koala" session right when I get home.
Who wouldn't love to see this face after a long day at work? |
The first week went by fast, probably because I would bolt for the door every afternoon! I was looking forward to spending all weekend doing my job as a Mom, well the one that I am not paid for :). My first week back also ended on a three-day weekend, so I had extra day to soak up my little girl before heading back to work. I think we all pretty much had out routine down within the first few days, and Stella did not even notice the change of Mom being gone for eight hours every day.
The month ended with a huge sigh of relief. A month that I had been dreading because of heading back to work was about to be over. Stella was continuing to grow and progress, so much that we all could not believe that this little peanut was becoming a little girl. She was all smiles and chatter as we ended January. Here is Miss Stella at three months old:
January 28, 2012 |
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