Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sadie's 8th Month

At the end of October, we had a very big day to celebrate- Stella's 2nd birthday!  It's hard to imagine that our journey into parenthood began two years ago when we were blessed with our beautiful little firecracker!  Every day since we met her has been so much more joyful and entertaining, and I know that both of us cannot picture life without her.  To celebrate her birthday, we decided to have a big day of all things that Stella loves.  We started with breakfast at her favorite restaurant, Squeeze In, then we headed over to a pumpkin patch to play with the pumpkins, and finally, we held a small football/pizza party at our house.

Stella was given MANY incredible gifts from all of the generous people in her life, but the number one gift that both girls are clearly enjoying is Lucky!  Auntie Mantha got Stella a horse for her birthday!  Sam and I had a similar horse when we were kids, but Lucky puts that one to shame.  This horse has fur and a mane, and it has songs and phrases.  Stella took to it immediately, but so did someone else.  Sadie was jumping out of our arms to get to that horse, so we gave her a shot, and it was a huge success!  Lucky has a similar feel to her Jumperoo, so now Sadie has two places to get her jumps in.  

The day of Stella's birthday party was also made even more fun because it happened to be on the same day as a very important football rivalry game in our house- UNLV vs. UNR.  Being the only UNLV fan and graduate in my family, I generally have to hold my own during any game against these two schools (especially during football season) but we actually won!  Between all the shouting and excitement, Sadie really started to watch everyone's reactions in the room during the game.  She was definitely taking it in and processing because the next day during the 49er game, she started clapping! 

Stella's birth-day always turns into a birth-week because of the holidays that are right around her day.  Nevada Day means that we have a day off to all be together (and usually prep for her party) and then there is Halloween!  This was Sadie's 1st Halloween, so for me, it was all about the costumes.  Luckily, we already had that sorted because of Sadie's godmother.  Ashley is SO on top of the themes that I have for both girls in their rooms, and she always tries to find things for them that match the animal in each girl's room.  She had seen an owl costume months prior and immediately picked it up.  This prompted us to keep it simple and have matching owls for the holiday.  Sadie wasn't into more than teething on the outside of the treats that her sister gave to her, but this was Stella's 1st time trick-or-treating!  Let's just say that we should have prepped her before we went because she wasn't a huge fan.  She liked walking through the neighborhood, but she didn't like people putting things in her pumpkin.  Oh well, maybe next year!

As Sadie headed into November, she really started to be more aware and interested in the world around her.  Her new interest in life this month- Gwen!  Having two dogs always around, I think that both our girls often take them for granted.  But, there comes a time in each of their lives when they are very interested in Gwen.  They want to get kisses from her, pet her, and generally follow her around.  Sadie just reached this phase, so now Gwen has another little buddy in the house!  It's only a matter of time until Sadie starts crawling around after her.

Speaking of crawling, Sadie is just starting to test the waters.  She is in that phase when she knows that she can get to things that are out of her reach if she moves, and she is so over rolling around to get places.  She has been working on her army crawl to move across the floor to get to things, but she has realized that she doesn't necessarily have to go to her belly.  She is rocking and bopping on her knees, so she's awfully close.  Between wanting toys, Gwen, and Stella, it's only a matter of time until Sadie legitimately crawls across the floor.  Two mobile little ladies- God help us!

While we have been interested to see when Sadie crawls, we've actually been waiting for her teeth to finally come.  Stella already had four teeth at this age, so we have been surprised that Sadie has yet to show any, especially because Sadie's teeth have really been bothering her.  We never knew when Stella was teething, and her teeth never were a factor, but Sadie has been a drool-monster and teething on everything for months.  Sadie stopped sleeping through the night mid-way through November, and Steve and I were grasping at straws to figure out what caused the change.  Finally, we got our answer when Steve was feeding her Cheerios one night; our little lady at last had some teeth! 

Oh yes, I said Cheerios.  Sadie has had a very different introduction to food than Stella did.  Stella could've cared less about food, and it was a struggle to get her to eat anything.  Sadie on the other hand started food earlier on her own accord.  As I mentioned in a previous post, she grabbed and took bites of my banana months ago.  From there, she would cry at the table when she watched anyone eat.  We decided to start making baby food a bit earlier this time around because of this.  Honestly, the kid loves food!  She sits with us at every meal and gets bites from everyone and will yell when she doesn't.  Her favorite- vegetables- and I mean any vegetable.  I was thrilled to see teeth coming in because the lack of them was holding her back from eating things she clearly wanted to try.  God bless having a good eater!

To end the month, Sadie had one more first- her 1st snow!  Now, this isn't too exciting for any child under a year, but it is awfully fun for their parents!  We got a decent amount of snow here in Reno just this week, so Steve and I quickly put the girls in their new winter duds and headed outside.  This time around, Stella is obsessed with the snow; we can't get her inside without a few tears.  Sadie wasn't too impressed, but she did look awfully cute in her snowsuit!

Well, yet another month has come to pass, and I am in disbelief as to how fast this year has gone.  With the holiday season officially upon us, we are one step closer to the end of the year, and the close of Sadie's 1st year with us.  Even in the last month, she has changed so much.  As each day passes, she continues to get more inquisitive and involved in her world, and more and more she is becoming a little person.  Here she is, our little dear, Miss Sadie Lady:
November 23, 2013

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