March ended quickly, and we were ready to head into April. The main thing that I was looking forward to in April was Spring Break! I still wonder if students realize how much teachers LOVE this "holiday." I was looking forward to it because it meant a whole week to be with Stella. It also meant that Steve's monthly visit was upon us! There were many things that made this visit special: the visit would be for a whole week, my parents would be in LA, and this would be Steve's last visit before he moved to Reno for good! To say the least, I was very much so looking forward to Spring Break.
Steve flew in on Friday; the perfect was to kick-off our break! We started the trip with a visit out to show Steve the house. It's difficult for a lot of people to fathom that Steve and I would choose a house without the other person seeing it, but we have had to do this before; Steve picked our last house in Albuquerque while I was still up here in Reno. Granted, we were only renting that house, so the idea of me buying a house with Steve only seeing pictures made everyone a little nervous. Thankfully, the visit out to the house only made him love it more! Pictures and a short video can only show so much, so I was thrilled that when he got the tour he was okay with this being our first home.
To add to Steve's visit we also had another actual holiday to celebrate- Easter! We opted out of having any egg hunt or activities for Stella, mainly because it would be enough of an event to be in a house full of people. My parents typically have all of the family over at their house for Easter, so we knew that there would be more than enough activity to occupy Stella. The day was gorgeous, and it gave Stella the first opportunity to show off her legs! Seriously, the cold Reno weather has kept this little girl in two long-sleeved onesies and pants since she was born, so it was odd for her to be showing some skin :). She was the perfect little lady in her first Easter dress.
Right after Easter, my parents headed off to LA to visit my sister for the week. This left Steve, Stella, and me alone together! We had never had this opportunity since Stella was born, so it felt like a week to play house before we would be doing the real thing next month. It was so nice for us all to have time to just be "us." More than anything, we were looking forward to time together. Steve had been watching Stella via iPhone, so he was excited to see the real thing. We were lucky because Stella decided to save a few firsts for her daddy to see! Steve and I filled the week with many things that we had been putting off or didn't have time to do, but we also tried to schedule a few activities specifically for Stella. To start, Stella's 1st baseball game!
Back in March, I was blessed to hear that one of my favorite sorority sisters would be headed back up to Northern Nevada! I was thrilled at the idea of having one of my Vegas people here in Reno, let alone two people that Steve and I both love. Gretchen and Zac were coming up to Reno for an Ace's game, so we decided to join and have Stella's 1st baseball game! In true Reno fashion, the weather was not optimal for a ball game, but I bundled Stella up as much as I could, and I loaded her into the Bjorn covered in blankets. I cannot say that she thought much of the baseball game because she was very quiet. I think she was a bit overwhelmed by all the noise and people. I gave her the best play-by-play I could and explained how pitchers choose their pitches, all right behind home plate. In the middle of my analysis, I looked down to find my little girl had fallen asleep. I'll have to try again when she's a little older! We ended the night early for a night game, but someone had a bed time.
On the same day as our baseball venture came another first, Stella's 1st word! Now, as I mentioned before, Stella had been rattling off things that sounded like words, but this day brought something new. Out of nowhere, she said "Momma" clear as a bell! She seemed pretty proud of herself that she had actually said a word, so this word became her whole vocabulary. She no longer tried to mimic "I love you" or "hello," her sole focus was "Momma." For the rest of the day (and Steve's visit) we were all Momma: Steve, Gwen, Trigger, objects in the room. If she wanted something, she would reach for it and say, "Momma." All other words were on hold (and frankly still are) but we were all pretty excited to hear the first official one!
In addition to talking, Stella continued to be little miss active! She continued to be a huge fan of rolling over, mainly when she was in her bed. She would roll over from side-to-side, back to front, etc. It became a bit of an issue when she started clocking herself in her crib and getting her legs tangled in the railing. Now, everything and every doctor will tell you not to buy bumpers for your baby's crib, but I was having trouble watching my poor little girl injury herself due to her nighttime activities. I finally caved and bought bumpers for her crib. Her injuries subsided, and the only issue I had was listening to her pet the bumpers as she falls asleep. It seemed a fair trade off for me!
She was sitting by herself and enjoying playing with her toys. But, this month brought a big change that none of us saw coming. Typically, you have babies that like to be on their backs, then they transition to their stomachs, and learn to crawl from there. Our little lady decided that the back and stomach were okay, but she wanted to stand! While Steve was here, he taught her to use her arms to pull up on our fingers to sit up. We were pretty pleased with this because we would help her sit up, and then she would sit all by herself. The day after Steve left, she decided to change the game a bit. While I talked to my dad, I helped her to sit up from a nap. I wasn't really paying attention, but the look on my dad's face told me that she was doing something. When I turned back, she had used my fingers to stand up!
And thus started the new game for Stella- standing up! She now could care less about playing sitting down or lying down; she always wants to be standing. I even bought her a sit and stand toy that she could stand behind and push. Our games now consist of practicing standing, standing and playing with her toys, and her favorite- dancing. She has not taken any official steps on her own, but the girl is always standing up now! I honestly think that she might just bypass crawling and start walking.
The last big piece of news that came in the month of April were the appearance of Stella's 1st teeth... yes, teeth, not tooth! After becoming even more of a chatterbox with her new word, Stella all of the sudden became very quiet. We could tell that she was struggling and playing with her gums, but little did we know that her teeth were what were keeping her from talking. It was almost overnight, but I woke up one morning to see two little tops of teeth staring back at me from her bottom gum. Those two teeth came together, and they came with a purpose! She has become even more invested in her mouth, and seems to enjoy the sound her teeth make on everything. We shall see the direction the rest of her teeth take, but it is pretty cute to now see two little teeth when she gives us a big grin.
This was a big month of new things for Stella. The craziest for me to believe is that she is now six months old! Can it really have been six months since we met our sweet little baby for the first time? It is amazing to me just how much she has grown and changed, even month-to-month! Well, here we are at the half-way point of Miss Stella's 1st year with us. She continues to surprise and entertain us every day, and I can't imagine life without her. The best part is that Stella hitting the six-month mark means that we are extremely close to our little family all being together!!! As soon as we hit May, we have nineteen days until Steve officially moves to Reno! It's incredible to think that we have made it this far, and how close we are to being together again. Here she is, Miss Stells at six months:
April 28, 2012 |